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The first 4 easy steps everyone should take to an all natural lifestyle in 2023

4 simple first steps to remove toxins from your home.

Are you concerned about the amount of chemicals and toxins that are in everyday products? You've probably heard by now about the possible harmful effects of using products with certain ingredients like parabens, phthalates, sulfates, and many others. But how do you realistically start on the long journey to developing a "clean" home? Spoiler, it isn't actually as hard as you may think. The key is to start small and recognize that it is a marathon, not a sprint. In this post, we've compiled some of the best and more reasonable practices to embark on the journey of living naturally.


Each person may view this differently and may emphasize different areas. For us, this means getting back to nature and keeping things simple by reducing some items and replacing it with other natural alternatives. We reduce the amount of unnatural chemicals in our cleaning and skincare products, and reduce the amount of ingredients and preservatives in our food. It is all about getting as close to nature and 100% natural as possible.

Are you ready to take the first steps towards living a toxic-free life? Switching to all-natural and non-toxic products can be overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be! Think critically about what makes sense for your home, and know you don't need to do "all the things."

Here are four easy steps you can take to start your journey towards a healthier lifestyle.

1. Read Labels and Understand the Harmful Chemicals in Your Products

First, you need to decide the area of your life or home that you'd like to improve and start to eliminate the "bad stuff." The first step is knowledge. One of the easiest ways to start your switch to a toxic-free life is by reading product labels & ingredient lists. Don't be fooled by products with pretty green or leafy-looking label designs. It may look natural and appealing, but that doesn't mean it is good for your body. Look for words such as "paraben-free", "fragrance-free", "sulfate-free", "phthalate-free", "petroleum-free", and "cruelty-free". Also, consider educating yourself on the harmful ingredients to avoid, such as phthalates, parabens, and formaldehyde-releasing preservatives.

The word "all natural" isn't technically regulated, so just because a product claims to be all natural doesn't mean that it doesn't include harmful ingredients.

Avoiding chemicals in the home

That's why it is important to educate yourself on common ingredients (or even look them up as you find them!) and actually read ingredient labels.

For example, phthalates are commonly found in fragranced products such as perfumes, air fresheners, and candles, and they have been linked to hormone disruption and reproductive problems. Parabens are often used as preservatives in personal care products, and they have been found in breast cancer tumors. Formaldehyde-releasing preservatives, such as diazolidinyl urea and quaternium-15, are also commonly used in personal care products and have been linked to cancer.

Note: Companies must start the ingredient list with the ingredient that makes up the highest percentage of the product and list them in descending order of concentration.

Keeping your home clean is important, but many household cleaning products contain toxic ingredients that can harm your health and the environment. It’s essential to understand what ingredients to look out for and avoid when purchasing cleaning and skincare products.

We've included a short list of the most common ingredients that are potentially toxic in your everyday cleaning and skincare products:

  1. Ammonia - commonly found in window cleaners, ammonia can irritate the eyes and respiratory system.

  2. Chlorine bleach - found in many cleaners and can cause skin irritation and respiratory problems.

  3. Formaldehyde - often used as a disinfectant, it can cause irritation to the eyes, nose, and throat, and is a known carcinogen.

  4. Phthalates - used as a fragrance in many cleaning products, fragrances, and nail polish. Phthalates have been linked to hormone disruption and reproductive problems.

  5. Triclosan - commonly found in antibacterial soaps and can cause skin irritation and contribute to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

  6. Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) - a foaming agent found in many cleaners, SLS can cause skin irritation and has been linked to cancer.

  7. 2-butoxyethanol - found in some window and kitchen cleaners, it can irritate the eyes and respiratory system.

  8. Parabens: These are used as preservatives to prevent bacteria growth in skincare products. However, they can mimic estrogen in the body and disrupt hormone function.

  9. Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) and sodium laureth sulfate (SLES): These are used as foaming agents in skincare products, but can be irritating to the skin and eyes.

  10. Formaldehyde: This is used as a preservative in some skincare products, but can be a skin irritant and a known carcinogen.

  11. Triclosan: This is an antibacterial agent found in some skincare products, but it can also disrupt hormone function and contribute to antibiotic resistance.

  12. Mineral oil: This is a petroleum-based ingredient that can clog pores and contribute to acne.

  13. Toluene: This is often found in nail polish and can be toxic to the nervous system.

  14. Propylene glycol: This is used as a humectant to help skincare products retain moisture, but it can be irritating to the skin and has been linked to kidney and liver damage.

  15. Retinyl palmitate: This is a form of vitamin A that can be found in some skincare products, but it can increase skin sensitivity to sunlight and may contribute to skin cancer.

  16. Oxybenzone: This is a chemical sunscreen ingredient that has been linked to hormone disruption and coral reef damage.

By reading labels and educating yourself, you'll be able to make informed decisions and avoid products that contain harmful chemicals.

2. Start with Skincare and Personal Care Products

Skincare and personal care products are some of the most important and easiest items to switch out for non-toxic alternatives. Our skin is our body's largest organ, and it absorbs everything we put on it. By switching to all-natural and non-toxic products for your skincare and personal care routines, you can reduce your exposure to harmful chemicals and toxins. This can be a gradual change, as many people become attached to their routines, body washes, perfumes, ect. This process can be slow and steady, gradually replacing certain products with natural alternatives.

When shopping for skincare and personal care products, look for products that are made with natural and organic ingredients. Avoid products that contain synthetic fragrances, parabens, sulfates, and other harmful chemicals. At Farmhand Soaps, we offer a wide variety of natural soaps, lotions, and other skincare products that are free of harmful chemicals. Here are some key items to consider when switching:

  • Replace body washes with natural bar soap or a liquid castile soap such as the well-known Dr. Bronner's. It will be WAY more nourishing for your skin and last so much longer!

  • Replace lotions with body butter. Many lotions contain high amounts of preservatives and fragrances. Natural body butters are 100% oils and butters that don't need a preservative and are much richer, last longer, and protect the skin better. I love using it right after a shower (locks in moisture) on my legs!

  • Switch to a clean perfume. There are now more options for natural perfumes and solid perfumes made with beeswax & essential oils and are becoming popular!

Natural clay mask

  • Use homemade face serums. There are many recipes out there to fit your individual needs that are simple and cost effective. I love using a rose water facial mist underneath an oil based serum at night!

Different types of clays like green and kaolin make a great homemade mask!

3. Replace Household Cleaning Products

natural skincare products Farmhand

Household cleaning products can contain a variety of harmful chemicals, including phthalates, ammonia, and chlorine bleach. Consider replacing these products with all-natural alternatives, such as vinegar, baking soda, lemon juice, and essential oils. It doesn't need to be fancy! Not only are these products safer for you and your family, but they're also better for the environment.

This is an area of natural living that might actually save you money!

There are so many ideas and recipes out there! Here are some basics:

  • Vinegar, baking soda, lemon juice, and hydrogen peroxide are some great cleaning agents without negative health effects. (Tip: Re-use old glass bottles and sprayers to store your homemade cleaning mixtures in!)

  • Switch to natural laundry detergent (buy it, or make your own!)

  • Replace dryer sheets with a natural wool or alpaca fiber laundry ball

  • Replace air fresheners or candles with essential oils & a diffuser

  • Use microfiber cleaning cloths

Visit our Pinterest page for some natural household cleaner and laundry recipes!

4. Reduce the Number of Ingredients and Preservatives in Your Food

Now I know this can be one of the trickier areas to make the switch. I love food, and with a busy lifestyle I often favor convenience over health. The food we eat is an important factor in living a natural, healthy life. Whole, natural foods provide our bodies with the nutrients and vitamins it needs to function properly. It's also important to know where our food comes from and how it was grown or raised. Eating organic, local, and seasonal foods when possible can help reduce our exposure to harmful pesticides and chemicals. Organic foods are grown without the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers, making them safer for you and the environment. Now this may not be an option financially for everyone, but choosing organic when possible is a great way to start. Note: Always wash non-organic produce before eating!

farmers market
  • Buy whole foods. If you are struggling with this one, start by simply buying more whole and low processed foods. What you put into your body really does make a HUGE difference on your overall health!

  • Look for foods with a short ingredient list.

  • Shop at a local farmer's market or consider growing your own small garden.

  • Cook and bake from scratch, even if it is something "unhealthy" like cookies or brownies. You can avoid so many chemicals and preservatives this way!

Start simple by cutting out just one highly processed food item in your pantry each week.

By following these 4 easy steps, you can start your journey towards a toxic-free life. Be sure to be flexible and try setting small goals for yourself.

If switching something causes you great stress or worry, don't do it.

Stress has its own negative effects on the body and creates an unhealthy lifestyle. If your mind isn't healthy, your body will struggle. If you go out with friends to a restaurant, or just really need that cheeseburger, it's alright! I personally try to abide by the 80-20 rule, 80% healthy foods and 20% foods that make me happy. Be flexible, and know that you are a unique created individual and what works for you might not work for the next person.


At Farmhand Soaps, we believe in the power of all-natural and non-toxic products for your skin and body. Shop our collection of natural soaps, skincare products, and more to start your switch to a healthier lifestyle today!

Remember, it's a marathon, not a sprint, so be patient and consistent in your efforts to create a healthy and toxin-free environment for you and your loved ones.

Stay tuned for the next blog post on the next steps to take toward a clean & toxin free home

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