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Why switch to an all-natural deodorant?

Updated: Apr 14, 2023

Why should you switch to an all-natural deodorant, and how do you do it?

This blog can help to answer some questions you may have!

Deodorant is a staple in most people's hygiene routines, and for a good reason: it helps prevent body odor. However, many conventional deodorants contain harmful chemicals that can be absorbed through the skin and into the body. As a result, more and more people are switching to natural deodorants, which are free of harmful chemicals and made with natural ingredients. In this blog post, we'll explore why it's important to make the switch to a natural deodorant.

Here are some top reasons why:
  1. Natural deodorants are better for your health.

Most conventional deodorants contain aluminum compounds, which are used to block sweat production. Aluminum has been linked to various health concerns, including breast cancer, Alzheimer's disease, and kidney problems. While studies on the link between aluminum and these health concerns are not conclusive, many people prefer to avoid aluminum in their personal care products.

Conventional deodorants also often contain parabens, which are preservatives used to prevent the growth of bacteria and mold in the product. However, parabens have been linked to hormone disruption, and studies have found them in breast cancer tumors.

In contrast, natural deodorants like WildRoot are made with safe, 100% natural ingredients that do not pose the same health risks as conventional deodorants. For example, WildRoot (and many other natural deodorants) use baking soda and other natural odor removing agents which help absorb moisture and neutralize odor. They also contain coconut oil, which has antibacterial properties that help prevent the growth of odor-causing bacteria.

You will also want to look for a natural deodorant that are scented with essential oils, which provide a pleasant scent without the use of synthetic fragrances that can cause skin irritation. Many essential oils also have antibacterial properties that help prevent odor.

Switching to a natural deodorant can be a small but important step in reducing your exposure to potentially harmful chemicals and toxins in your personal care products. By choosing natural deodorants, you can prioritize your health and well-being while still effectively managing body odor.

2. Natural deodorants are just as effective as conventional deodorants.

One common misconception about natural deodorants is that they don't work as well as conventional deodorants. I was also skeptical about this before I made the switch. However, this is not true. WildRoot deodorants are designed to not only cover up odors, but absorb and neutralize them. Plus, the inclusion of specific essential oils provide a pleasant and familiar scent.

3. Natural deodorants are better for sensitive skin.

Conventional deodorants can irritate sensitive skin, causing redness, itching, and even rashes. This is because they often contain synthetic fragrances and other harsh chemicals. Natural deodorants, on the other hand, are made with gentle, natural ingredients that are less likely to cause skin irritation.

4. Natural deodorant can help avoid pit stains

Switching to a natural deodorant may help reduce or even avoid pit stains, but it depends on the cause of the pit stains.

Pit stains are typically caused by a combination of sweat and the chemicals in conventional deodorants or antiperspirants. Sweat itself does not cause pit stains, but the combination of sweat and chemicals in deodorants or antiperspirants can lead to yellowing and discoloration of clothing over time.

Because natural deodorants do not contain the same chemicals as conventional deodorants or antiperspirants, they may be less likely to cause pit stains. However, it's important to note that natural deodorants are not designed to prevent sweat, so you may still experience some wetness under your arms.

To help prevent pit stains, you can try a few different strategies, including wearing loose-fitting clothing that allows for airflow, washing your underarms regularly with quality natural soap and water, and choosing natural deodorants that do not contain aluminum, parabens, or synthetic fragrances.


In conclusion, switching to a natural deodorant is a smart choice for your health, the

environment, and your skin. Find Wildroot natural deodorant on and experience natural deodorant for yourself!

The detox period:

a MUST Read if you are making the switch for the first time!

When you switch from a conventional deodorant to a natural one, you may go through a detox period where you experience more sweat and body odor than usual. This is because conventional deodorants often contain antiperspirants that block sweat glands, while natural deodorants do not. As a result, your body needs time to adjust to the change.

During the detox period, which can last up to a few weeks, (most last a week or so) you may need to apply your natural deodorant more frequently, and you may want to avoid wearing tight or synthetic clothing that can trap sweat and bacteria. You can also try using a gentle exfoliant (check out our exfoliating goat milk coffee soap) on your underarms to help remove any buildup of bacteria and dead skin cells.

It's important to remember that the detox period is a temporary adjustment period, and it's worth it to switch to a natural deodorant for the long-term health benefits. Plus, once your body has adjusted, you'll likely find that your natural deodorant is just as effective at preventing body odor as your old conventional deodorant, without the harmful chemicals.

Can natural deodorants work on those who are extra sweaty?

Yes, natural deodorants can work on extra sweaty people, but it may take some trial and error to find the right natural deodorant that works best for your individual needs.

One common misconception about natural deodorants is that they are not as effective as conventional deodorants. However, this is not necessarily true. Many natural deodorants like WildRoot contain ingredients like baking soda & arrowroot powder, which help absorb moisture and neutralize odor. We also use zinc ricinoleate, which is a strong natural odor absorbing agent not found in many other deodorants.

Some people may find that they need to reapply their natural deodorant more frequently throughout the day, especially if they are particularly active or prone to sweating. Everyone’s body chemistry and sweat level is different, so you may need to experiment a bit to find the best solution.


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